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Schools and income deprivation

Average income deprivation percentile of the neighbourhoods schools are located in by Ofsted rating (2023)

Ofsted ratings are given to schools by inspectors and range from “Inadequate” to “Outstanding”. Ratings are based on a range of observations about a school's performance.

This indicator shows that, on average, the better a school’s Ofsted rating is, the less deprived a neighbourhood it tends to be located in.

While this is true across the country, the relationship is less pronounced in London than in the rest of England. This means that children in London who live in deprived neighbourhoods are more likely to have a school with a good Ofsted rating in their neighbourhood than those living in deprived neighbourhoods in the rest of the country.

This is particularly true for London secondary schools, where there is not a clear relationship between schools’ Ofsted rating and the deprivation of the neighbourhood in which they are located, in contrast to secondary schools in the rest of England.

This difference between education in London and the rest of England is also evident in other indicators on the LPP, including those summarising the attainment of students, particularly those from low-income backgrounds.