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London Housing Panel statement on urgent response to COVID-19, 18 March 2020

Author: London Housing Panel

The London Housing Panel calls for more protection for those who are already homeless or vulnerably housed and to ensure frontline services are strengthened as part of the government’s emergency response.

Our remit is London but we believe these emergency measures require a national government response in the first instance that will give power and resources to local authorities and others, including voluntary and community organisations, to take action.

We are especially concerned about the impact of this crisis on people with multiple vulnerabilities and complex needs, those with limited resources and in need of support to maintain tenancies, access housing help and protect their health. This includes vulnerable adults and older people, low-income families, disabled people, homeless families, children and young people, those with no recourse to public funds, Gypsy and Traveller communities, women fleeing domestic violence and trapped with abusive partners and people struggling with ill-health. Those living in overcrowded and cramped conditions and who are sharing facilities with strangers, with limited or no means of self-isolating and protecting themselves face particular risks. We agree with statements issued by Crisis and others that the government’s response must urgently address their needs and provide the additional resources necessary to protect them in this outbreak.

London Housing Panel will be monitoring the impact on Londoners. Documents related to the London Housing Panel, including the latest minutes, can be found here.

Signed by members of the London Housing Panel:

  • Raji Hunjan, Chair (Chief Executive, Z2K)
  • Action on Empty Homes
  • Camden Community Law Centre
  • Disability Advice Service Lambeth
  • Generation Rent
  • Homeless Link
  • Just for Kids Law (JfKL) / Children’s Rights Alliance for England (CRAE)
  • Kineara
  • Leasehold Knowledge Partnership
  • London Federation of Housing Co-operatives
  • London Gypsies and Travellers
  • London Tenants Federation
  • New Horizon Youth Centre
  • Solace Women’s Aid
  • The Connection at St. Martin-in-the-Fields
  • Tonic Living