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Five reasons for London to celebrate Fair Tax Week 2022

Author: Mary Patel, Fair Tax Foundation

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Ahead of Fair Tax Week 2022, Mary Patel from our grantee the Fair Tax Foundation sets out five reasons why Londoners should join in and use the opportunity to ensure tax justice in our city.

Fair Tax Week 2022 runs across the UK from 11-19th June. But why, and how, should London councils, businesses, and individuals be part of it?

For the first time, polling has revealed that Londoners want to celebrate businesses who can demonstrate they pay the right amount of tax, and would rather shop with a business or work for a business which can prove it's paying its fair share of tax.

It's not just our own data either - according to the most recent 'Attitudes of the British Public to Business Ethics 2021' survey by the IBE, the British public believe that corporate tax avoidance is the most important ethical issue for the ninth year in a row.

A number of fantastic London-based business are already paying their fair share, shunning tax havens and being transparent around their tax conduct. Fair Tax Week provides the perfect opportunity for us all to recognise and highlight those companies doing exactly what the public wants to see.

Bringing together businesses, policy makers from national and local government and our friends from the tax justice movement, the flagship Fair Tax Week opening conference will see leading voices in business, tax transparency and anti-corruption speaking on, and discussing, important topics around responsible tax conduct.

Thanks to support from Trust for London we are delighted to offer free tickets to London-based organisations. Use this link to register for your free place!

Lambeth and Greenwich Councils have already signed up to our Councils for Fair Tax Declaration, but we need more on board to show London residents and businesses that councils are standing up for fair tax. In a couple of weeks we'll be making an exciting announcement that will give individuals a powerful and simple way to join in with Fair Tax Week and push for a fairer economy for all, so keep an eye on our Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts.

If you're a UK council, Fair Tax Week is a great time to consider downloading our sample motion and passing the Councils for Fair Tax Declaration, joining the local authorities already pioneering the promotion of responsible tax conduct.

More people in London live in poverty compared to the UK average according to Trust for London’s ‘London Poverty Profile’. One of the ways tax can alleviate poverty and inequality is by supporting vital public services and infrastructure, so it’s right that councils should back fair tax practices for the benefit of residents.

Fair Tax Week is for everyone to use as a platform for celebration and discussion, which is why we've created a free digital pack for supporting organisations. With ideas on what you can do, social media-friendly graphics and Fair Tax Week logos, it's got everything you need to begin #CelebratingFair.

Fair Tax Week 2022 arrives at an opportune moment as the UK stands on the cusp of possibly advancing everything from a requirement for large multinationals to pay a global minimum tax, through to radical reform of the information all businesses will henceforth have to disclose at Companies House.

Fair Tax Week provides a platform for discussion around developments in the UK that contribute to tax transparency and a fairer economy.

The week is also the ideal opportunity to get ahead of the curve of new tax regulations and legislation by joining the many companies and organisations that are already Fair Tax Mark accredited. Fill out our simple form and get the ball rolling on securing the gold standard of responsible tax conduct.

We can help you make the most of Fair Tax Week

If you’d like to find out more we’d love to hear from you. Email me on mary@fairtaxmark.net or give me a call on 0161 513 8129. Find out more about our work to boost fair tax across Greater London.

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07 June 2022