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Trustee recruitment

We're looking for two new trustees to join our board.

This is a pivotal time to join us at Trust for London, in the lead up to the launch of our new 2030 strategy in the Spring 2024.

Our new strategy will continue to focus on the drivers of poverty in London. We’ll focus on evidence and bring thoughtfulness to our decision making. And we’ll continue to view it as our duty to fund work that helps people struggling right now, but also tackles the underlying causes of London’s high rate of poverty.

Trustees play a critical role in to our work. They set the strategy of the organisation and ensure that our endowment is used effectively. Our Board has a breadth of expertise, is highly collegiate and committed to tackling poverty in London. We are now looking for three new trustees to help us on the next stage on our journey. We are looking for candidates with experience in human resources and diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as charity finance, and social investment. We also want our Board to reflect London’s diversity, and value lived experience of poverty.

If our work resonates with you, and you have the skills and experience we’re looking for, we’d love to hear from you.

The roles

HR, diversity, equity and inclusion

We are looking for a trustee from a HR background that is passionate about equality, diversity, and inclusion, and creating a positive work environment where people can thrive. The ideal candidate will have a deep understanding of employment law, best practices in HR, and experience in developing and implementing HR policies and procedures.

We are at an exciting time of change as an organisation, implementing new organisational values and reviewing HR policies and processes to support our staff team as we deliver on our new funding strategy.

Charity finance

We are looking for a qualified accountant (CCAB recognised qualification) with a deep understanding of charity finance. The ideal candidate will be able to understand, communicate, and explain financial information in a clear and concise way. They will also have a strong understanding of trust and foundation finances and investments and will be able to monitor and review risk effectively. In addition, they will be able to support other trustees in their duties and help them make informed decisions.

We are in the process of modernising and automating our finance systems and processes and improving our reporting, analysis and insight. The ideal candidate will be able to support us through this transition and bring new ideas and innovation in how we operate and report on our finances.

How to apply

To apply, please send the following to Giulietta Driver, executive assistant, by email (giulietta@trustforlondon.org.uk):

  • A concise covering letter (no longer than two pages), addressing which role you are interested in (Social Investment, HR, Finance), why you would like to become a Trustee of the Trust for London, and what you would bring to the role
  • An up-to-date CV
  • Names and contact details of two referees (referees will only be approached at the final stage of the process,
    and only with your express permission)
  • A completed Equal Opportunities form.

If you'd like any more information, or to arrange an informal conversation with the chief executive or chair of the board, please contact Giulietta Driver, executive assistant: giulietta@trustforlondon.org.uk, 07562 638692.

Download the application pack

Trustee recruitment pack Dec 23 cover

11 December 2023

Trustee recruitment